Monday, November 28, 2011

blog 8

The allegory of the cave is the foundation for all the works we have seen or read this semester. It involves the search for the truth and how one must question what they know because ones reality might just only just be ones perceived reality. All the movies show the main character going against what society considers being the norm. Attica utopian society believes genetically engineered people are superior and can’t be matched by a non-genetically engineered person, the matrix deals with people living in a simulated reality and a band of rebels trying to free mankind from it, in minority report we have the system of prescribe that no one really knows how it really works but society accepts it. While all these movies have different plots they all have the search for truth in common.

The texts further enhance our understanding of the films, Oedipus just like the movies involves a characters path to the truth, the text free will and determinism in the world of minority report enhances our understanding of the movie so that we can decide whether the truth shown to us is a truth we accept or one we question. All in all the works we have seen or read this semester have helped me understand a lot more about finding out the truth and ways one can go about find the truth. On top of showing me how and why I should search for the truth these works have also showed me that not every truth we find is not one we always want but is one we have to accept.

The Cave-finding the truth

Oedipus-man’s search for truth led to a horrible discovery

Man on the moon-genetic engineering

Free will/minority report-how much control do we have

Matrix-is this real

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