Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Cave (summary)

   In  The Allegory of the Cave Plato tells us to question the world around us or risk living in the "dark", he describe prisoners who were chained in a cave and could not turn their head. The only thing they can see is  a wall inside the cave. Behind the prisoners was a fire. There is a bridge in between the fire and the prisoners, on this bridge many men pass by holding many diffrent statues of animals and other objects. The chained men can only see the shadows of these shapes passing by. As time passes the men  start to name each of the shadows. One of the prisoners is suddenly released from the cave and is allowed to leave. Once outside he will have trouble getting his eyes accoustoumed to the light from the sun. At first the prisoner refuses to believe what he sees to be true and is still confident that the shadows are truly reality, after some time outside of the cave the prisoner learns that the world outside of the cave is the real one. He is sent back to the cave but has trouble seeing due to his eyes being accustomed to the sun outside, once his eyes have gotten used to the darkness he is able to tell the other prisoners what he has seen outside and how what they see is not reality. The other prisoners consider him to have gone crazy and that it would be better to never go out of the cave.

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