Wednesday, November 16, 2011

blog 6

How much control do we have in our lives, some people may say we have one outcome and those would be hard determinists, while people who believe we have choices will be more associated with free will. The movie Minority report and the story of Oedipus both show how both these views can shape how a person lives their life. In the world of Minority Report there are ads that scan your eyes and are able to tailor their message to you personally.These Ads bombard you from every angle,If you weren't interested in spending money and you’d find yourself working really hard to resist temptation when it is being shoved in their face.There are those who resist then there are those who give in. People have the will and power to control their wants. It’s difficult if you’re being swarmed with a thousand ads and your penalty would be spending over budget. Then again, your wants are being injected in your head. It is not what you really want, it’s what they want you to want. I believe this is when free will comes at hand. You wont be deciding whether or not the ads are there or how they communicate to you but if you are going to let them tempt you into buying the product.In Oedipus the King, Oedipus wasn’t given free will. His destiny was manipulated by oracles who prophecy told Oedipus he would kill his father and marry his mother. When told of this he left in order to stop him from killing his adopted father; killing his biological father. Oedipus wasn't granted the will from the beginning since he was given away. Had his father not decided to sent him to get “killed” he would’ve been able to not fulfill his destiny. In the article “Free Will and Determinism in the World of Minority Report” its stated that “even though the robot controls its own actions, it has only one possibility to open it at any given time.” People control their actions but if others weren’t to extend the possibilities of doing what you want to then free will wouldn’t be as difficult to explain. Everyday we are given the chance to take actions on our belts. However, the environment that surround us creates these restrictions that limit our free will. It’s a form of temptation to do what’s not supposed to be done to later on be punished for as a consequence. We do have free will, but others also have free will upon us.

1 comment:

  1. Bryan, this is a 400-word entry for a 500 word minimum, and thus not satisfactory. It is also mainly off topic, not focusing much of the ideas of the two texts as they are contrasted.
